Welcome to Waynesville Community Church!
Please come as you are. We are a group of multi-generational Christ followers of diverse backgrounds who love Jesus and want to share his grace and love with you right now where you are in your journey.
What to Expect
Our Beliefs
Belief is important. It determines how we act and live. Also, when we review our actions, they reveal what we truly believe. If you are coming from a background of faith in God or from a background that is foreign to God or to church, it is difficult to understand what living by love and faith in Jesus Christ means apart from experiencing it lived out in community. We trust that once you belong to a church family, you’ll have a much clearer picture of what we believe and why we believe in Jesus Christ risen from the dead.
There is one God who exists as three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He has existed in community in a relationship of mutual love for all eternity. At His own time and in His own way, God created everything that exists for His glory and enjoyment. He also sustains everything that exists and is intimately involved in the relationships of daily life.
Jesus Christ, God’s Son, has always been fully God, became fully human when He was born to the virgin Mary. He was fully human and fully God. He lived a perfect life in place of our imperfect lives; died, as our substitute on the cross, the death we deserved to die because of our sin and selfishness; and rose physically from the dead. He offers us full life by the promise of His resurrection life in all who become His followers by faith in Him. He ascended into heaven and today is the only mediator and representative we need with God the Father.
We experience the full life and presence of God in our relationship with the Spirit, who convicts us of sin, points us to Christ, and applies Christ’s life and work to our lives. He gives gifts and power to the church. He creates genuine and loving biblical community in the church. He reveals truth and guides our lives, individually and together so we can live to glorify and enjoy God.
We are eternally connected to God in only one way – by receiving the offer of forgiveness and reconciliation God offers us by Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. This gift of new life is eternal – it never ends. All who place their trust in Jesus Christ by the gift of God’s gift of grace are adopted as His sons and daughters. There is nothing we can do to deserve this life – it is all a gift of God. When we receive Christ, God has begun the lifelong process of changing our affections, minds, and habits, from the inside out while He makes our character more and more like Jesus’ character. Only then do we have real hope for being able to fully love, serve, and enjoy other people.
The Bible is God’s completely true story about who He is, what He has done, what He is doing, and what He will do. It was given by God to human writers and so reflects their backgrounds, style, and use of language. The Bible is the final authority on all matters to which it speaks. It is not only totally true, but it is our guide for daily living as we follow Jesus Christ.
In His own time and in His own way, God will bring the world as we know it to an end. According to His promise, Christ will return personally and visibly to reward those who love Him and righteously judge all those who reject Him. He will bring perfect justice and begin the new era of God’s visible reign on earth, which will last forever.